Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I know I have been dragging my post for like forever...
That's only because I've been too busy and sick to do it! Or I just don't have enough time.
It's actually the case again tonight, I NEED MY SLEEP!
Hahaha. But ah well... :)

We cooked up a storm at my place before clubbing that thursday. Urm... Last thursday? Simple but we had sooo much fun at it! YAY. I'm bringing SEXYBACK! Hahaha. That's sooooooooo fucking cliche already. Then we all went up to my room for change, hair and make-up and whatever! Check out the MESS!
The heavily mascara-ed chicas!

We are all so colour coordinated!! :) Hahaha.

These boots are made for walking...

With Jo and friends at MoS (again, for the THIRD night in a row!)

With the PREETTY Jaslyn and bitchy bimbo, Jemie. HAHA.

They should have a reality series on US! Called erm... "Teenage Millionaires" or something... RIGHT!

Presenting to you... "The Drunkard and The ARRGHHHH!"

THEN, it was back to KM8 again on SUNDAY! :)

OKAY, I just went into the toilet and vomitted. I don't know what's wrong with me...
I've been sick lately. Like, headaches, cough and now vomitting??? What the fuck.
I think I will go to the doctor's tomorrow. My stomach's still feeling a little queasy now. Fuck.

Anyway, before I go off to rest... I've got a surprise for some people.

NO, it's not that red thing that looks like a skirt.
I GOT A NEW HAIRCUT! Totally got rid of my longer hair! Hahahha.
How's it??

Now, you can see my big face, my eyes, and all!

Okay, I really feel like puking again. Before I start puking in front of the computer, I SHALL GO OFF NOW. OMG.


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