Thursday, March 16, 2006


Okay, so... This picture is susposed to be on the previous post. See... We're all just standing outside Heeren, just chatting away. Hahaha.

Well, yesterday... I had rehearsals for the upcoming musical.
"The Tale of Ice And 7 Men In Black"
I'll be acting as the son. HAHAHAHA. Performance is March 31.
Held at Montfort Secondary School Hall.
It's a public performance and it's also a fundraising performance.
So, please do support. Tickets are going at $10 each.
Contact me if you want any.

So anyway. Rehearsal was from like 9am till 3.30pm.
Dancing, acting... singing...

After rehearsal, 4 of us went off to Mustafa to buy some props and costumes.
It was so fun there. It was such a big-ass mall. And me and Mark got tired of walking after we reached like the stationary section or something. We just sat on the floor. HAHAHA.

After which, we went to an Indian restaurant beside Muthu's. Didn't really catch the name of the place. But it was awesome. The food was awesome. And I even ate with my hands! Hahaha.
The smell is still there... But seriously, the food was good. Then nanas went on to say that I have mama blood in me. HAHA!

I got home after that, then I was like really tired. I don't know why...
I was watching the reruns for American Idol, and i fell asleep like halfway, or the beginning, on the couch. And then i got up at like 2AM and went up to bed. Woke up only at like 12 today.

Shit. It's like fucking late. I gtg meet adelia.
I'm always late meeting her... Okay, not always. But half the time...


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