Tuesday, December 19, 2006

OMG, time for my medicine!

Soo, so far people have been liking me new short hair. :)
Thank you, thank you. Except for that Mango who doesn't like it! Hahaha.
It's just really different from what I always used to have in the past.
See, I've started my new year early! Haha.

I've had an amazing weeeekend.
Hahaha. That's kinda like an achievement.
I was at the doctor's again on like saturday morning, after Adelia stayed over on friday night.
Was like kinda retarded fun. Got back at midnight, and went to use the computer.
I got a surprising text, followed by a phone call... :)
Then we went out for McDonald's breakfast at like 4-ish-AM.
Got back at about 6am, had so much to laugh there!

Well, I had an amazing saturday afternoon and sunday. I know you might be reading this though... So, THANKS for it.
How was it spending such a long time with me? Was I boring you enough already? Haha.
And again, Happy Holidays. :)

Thomas' birthday dinner on Sunday evening! Were at Cream Bistro at Pacific Plaza.
It sucks how I don't have my camera to take pictures of all these shit and then just post it, right?
Well... Just got back my camera charger that night.
And just when I thought that, "Yay, I've got my camera back with me already..."
It's going off again tomorrow, cause my folks and my sister is flying off to some remote, ulu pandan place of Thailand. ALL THE BEST MAN! Wahahahaa.

I've got some pictures from today though!

From my draping class. This is the back of an Empire dress with double darts!

Wahaha. Chimannn.

SADAKO. NAFA version.

Ah Tut bringing on his best impression of BRYANBOY!

And then, it was me. The Provider of the Lollies! (For today)
Trying to be all arty farty artistic, y'all!

I had so much to eat today, it can't believe it.
Waterloo Hawker Centre FEASTTT, comprising of:
-Wanton Mee
-Chee Cheong Fun (Shared amongst the table)
-Mee Soto with extra chicken and that erm, potato thing. I don't know how to spell it. (Shared with Lin!)
-Colin's vegetables, mushrooms and prawns!
-A spoonful of that erm... "Chwee Kueh"
-And, 2 cups of that lychee drink!

Mr John(He Liang)'s send-off dinner at Billy Bombers, comprising of:
-Mixed Grill (shared with Shanna- Steak, some Turkey Chop?, Sausage, Bacon, Patato Salad and an egg.)
-Coleslaw (With compliments of John)
-A thigh of that WONDERFUL something Honey Golden Chicken.
-A portion of some leftover Fish and Chips!
-A glass of that massive but yet amazing Root Beet Float.

Came back home, and I still had to FORCE myself eat a few slices of Char Siew and stuff from my mom's cooking... :(
And there's still that bowl of Glutiness (sp?) Rice Balls, AKA Tang Yuan, waiting for me.

Omg. I shall not go on.
I need a DIETTT!


Blogger Mindy said...

hey I found your page from Nicole's page.. So I was just wondering, what year in fashion school are you currently in? And what's the curriculum like? I'm pretty curious about what Singapore's fashion schools offer.. :)

8:31 PM  

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