Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Holidays, y'all!

Hey hey. Happy Holidays people!
I have no fun pictures to upload this time round. This sucks, huh?
Anyway, I was at a house party on Christmas eve. It was awesome.
The apartment itself is on Muhd Sultan! Awesome place...

We had turkey, ham and pasta, and other delicious stuff.
Watched 4 movies that night!
Grudge 2, Hostel, Mean Girls and erm... Some movie with lots of ZOMBIES in them.
No... It's not Resident Evil. Ah well...

Got back at only 6am?
Following day, Christmas day, just yesterday, was it?? I think so... HAHAHHA.
Yeah, was out in town. It sure was bloody packeddd!
Then Shanna and I headed to Arab Street to meet the others.
Then afterwards, met a friend and he sent me home on his bike!

Yes, I took a bike! Hahaha. Loved it.
I totally felt like a badass. :P
It was sooooo fun. WEEEE~~~~~~~~

Today was just plain boring. Got up at 5pm.
And haven't done anything constructive so far. Except for eating alot.
This sucks. The rain sucks...

Tomorrow is gonna be better! Woo! Gonna be in town (again), then go to Lin's house and then go to Parkway Parade to see Shanna.

I hope the weather clears up, so that my friend can come pick me up to go out later! HAHAHA.


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