Monday, May 01, 2006

Raoul Day One.

Today's my first day at WORK.
Yes... I realised that I did not mentioned that I've got a job...
I will be working at Raoul under FJ Benjamin.
Currently stationed at Suntec, however, next week I will be posted to Hitachi Towers at Raffles Place.

I was warned when I was being interviewed at the office the other day to tone down my edginess cause I'm in Raoul, NOT IN GUESS! FJ Benjamin also is looking after Guess? and unfortunately they didn't need any part timers. NOT EVEN FUCKING TOPMAN OR TOPSHOP!!

That day, Ah Tut, Lin, Colin and I went to Wing Tai to apply for Sales Asst jobs at Topman or Topshop. IT WAS MY THIRD TIME!!!!

It seems like I wasn't fated to work in Topman huh...
Anyway, at Wing Tai, we were intitally posted to do stock take!
No fucking way man! And we're only gonna be paid $5 an hour.

Now that I'm working at Raoul, I'm being paid $6 and hour! And tomorrow will be $12 an hour!!! Becuase it's Labour Day. WEEEEEEE!

So anyway, work today was awesome. Pretty awesome...
I was first greeted by a VERY FRIENDLY malay staff. She's awesome... Throughout today, she kept asking "How are you?" or... "Is everything okay?"
She's just really cool... And she taught me how to use the cashier to accept credit cards!

You know, in the past, me and my sister would dream of being a cashier soooo much that we aspired to work in NTUC or Cold Storage as a cashier someday... HAHAHA!

Ya... So, I cannot remember her name suddenly. UGH. She taught me alot of other stuff too. Like lunch breaks stuff... What's the usual way of packing the shirts... Packing them into bags... How to get stock... ETC.

Speaking of which, my supervisor of the day, Samuel is also awesome.
He taught me alot of stuff too and gave me a CRASH COURSE of Raoul products! Hahaha.
What they had... Where they were... How much they costs... How to use the cashier computer to look for items...

I really learnt alot today from the very amiable colleagues. :)

Besides them, there was also Ashley. And some other part timer, Clarence, who's been working there for about 4 months already! And he sure knows the place inside out!! Totally...

I bought a new pair of shoes too!! HAHAHA.
I went to work with this pair of shoes...

Hahaha. Then I went home with this pair!!



I will definitely miss you alot too.
I am missing you all the time.

This necklace reminds me of you cause we have it.

(And please stop staring at my fat neck symdrome! I have no idea why I look fucking fat here.)


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