Friday, April 21, 2006

You Poor Thing.

It's just a couple more days to the final assessment!
And there's just still ALOT to do... To think that I wanna keep my weekend free, I seriously doubt I can. At least I hope for Sunday! HAHAHA. I wonder what we're gonna do on sunday...

We could have hung out just now! But it was pity that you're suffering from stomach pains.
Just not used to the food here... You gotta take good care then.
I would love to go and give you a surprise, or have coffee with you tomorrow... But I'm not sure if you're free, again. You never seem to be... I don't know. It sucks. Now the feeling's back... Shucks.

Design class was alright. I went up to present my stuff, still needs polishing, ALOT of it. Hahahha!

Corain wearing my shirt with the pearls I bought to to be tied around the waist to prevent my shirt from looking too "granny". Hahahha. My shirt's still not completed though.

This is the bracelet I designed. Nice? Haha.

And this is the necklace I too designed, of the same design concept as the bracelet. Exclusive!! The picture's a blur though.

From the sewing room we were in, we can see the photoshoot that was going on at level 6. Interesting! Just the other day, we were also watching the photoshoot that went on at the same place, and that appeared on the cover of Urban today! Impressive huh. Hahaha.

Then we were having fun in the sewing room, while most of them were sewing or finishing up the major sewing for their shirt. Mine's almost completed, so I was just to kaypoh and play! Hahaha.

Acting long legs, when they're sooooo not!

Photoshoot time! As always...
This time round, we used subjects. And each "model" had 10 frames each then we selected the best shot and deleted the rest. It was kinda stupid to delete them actually... They're funny! Oh whatever... Here it is...

Object ONE: Big-ass thread!

Object TWO: Bag!

The end.
Just basically 2 models lah. It was really fun... We acted as if it was a REAL photoshoot with make belief photographer and all. HAHAHAHAHA!

Cause everywhere, I'm always like the psycho one! And now that I've met him! It's been awesome! HAHAHAHAHA. We're always crazy...
Fancy us singing some FRENCH OPERA in the TOILET!!! Hahahahahhahah!!
Oh goddd... Haha.

Peace out, from the Emo Queen. Hahaha.

It's gonna be a fucking long day for me tomorrow. There's sooooooooooo much to do. And I wanna complete as much as possible by tomorrow!!



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