Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Who loves TONG SENG?

This morning, I had a History of Fashion test. I am pretty happy with my performance with it.
I was actually having fun in the test. Hahaha!
And I guess all my points are pretty much there...
I sure it goes well man, cause for the paperdoll project, Debra gave me a bloody D.
Just passed it. So, I will have to do well in this to secure about 70marks for my overall?
Hmm... We'll see...

Finished Lily's work. I can sorta tell she's a little disappointed in our class...
BUT, being the ever-ms-nice, she gave us alot of leeway!
If not, alot of us wouldn't be able to submit to her today. But then again, she sorta knows about the situation in our class. Really busy with Vik's stupid project and all...
So, she's really awesome.

Eugene's class was alright. He went through what we will be doing and what we will need to do at assessment this fucking monday. Ugh.
Can't wait for it to be over!
I'm basically left with Vik's design work to be done... Plus, overlocking the sleeves on the inside of my shirt. And also... Ruby's patterns. Not sure if we REALLY need it for assessment. If not, don't have to do that one. Will save us alot of time. HAHA!

Whatever... School's bogging us down lately.
We decided to go to TONG SENG after Ah Tut, Adelia and Lin finished sewing... We were also joined by Chiman and Colin.

Let me tell you... The food at Tong Seng FUCKING ROCKS!

Today, I had LAKSA! Then a SECOND ROUND of PRAWN MEE, mee pok dry! Fellow 2nd rounders are Ah Tut, Chi Man and Colin. Initially, Colin didn't want to go for a 2nd round, then because he was sitting beside me, and when my mee pok dry came, he got tempted and ordered the same thing! Hahaha! Besides eating alot!!!! We also had alot to drink! See! I had 2 lychee cans. One of which, with courtesy from Chi Man! THANKS!

After eating ALOT and laughing ALOT, and Chi Man farting TWICE, we left Tong Seng for Starbucks at Bugis. By the way... if you wanna know, Tong Seng is situated right opposite Bugis Junction. Along the same street as the new Icon mall.

We had alot to chat and sing and chat about at Starbucks... Then it was like 1147pm already, so we took off to the MRT station. And only when we reached, to our horror, THE LAST TRAIN JUST DEPARTURED! At least not for Alfri. He still had like a few more trains... Damn it.

But even if I caught the last train to City Hall, NEL wouldn't be operating... So, we fumbled for awhile. Stranded and didn't know what to do and where to go... Chiman and Colin didn't want to take the cab cause it was already like almost midnight, and with the midnight charges and all, it will add up to about 20bucks worth of cab fare for them. They didn't want to waste the money too.

I actually contemplated of going over to Ah Tut's place to crash. But then at 1115pm, when my mom buzzed me, I told her I was already at City Hall. HAHAHHAHA.

So I took the cab and went home. Reached in about 20mins or lesser, and my fare was like only $9.20! Hahahhaha!

Know why? Cause I boarded the cab 2 MINUTES before they started charging the midnight charge! Hahahha.

OOOOH YAAAA. I LOVE KATE MOSS! I think she's fucking awesome, and of course, she's a major hottie!

I think this picture came from a very recent photoshoot she did for some magazine. Desert theme, pretty similar to the advertisement she did for Roberto Cavalli's Spring/Summer collection '06.

See... Similar huh. Anyway, LOVE HER. LOVE HER STYLE! Hope to see you around in the UK! Forget about Pete Doherty who throws you on and off. You have ME! Hahaha. Whatever... As if she's reading this. Doh! :P


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