Monday, May 08, 2006

Red Rocks.



Lately, I've just been going to work... Then back home... Then to work again... Then back home again! It's so fucking boring.
Work is alright...
But the last few days have been taxing on us, physically...

Because we had to stocks and stuff, for the ENTIRE store. Had to pack everything up in cartons and had to write what's inside the carton on a sheet of paper nicely so that it can be submitted to the office... yadda yadda yadda.

There's one night. Friday night. We stayed till 3-ish am!
Then at like 10 later that morning... We gotta report to work again, on Saturday.
Man. That sure sucks...

On satuday, we had the stocks for the sale coming in... CARTONS AND CARTONS OF THEM!
Then we had to open them up.
Sort them out by SIZES and DESIGN!
Etc, etc.

Finished at only 6-ish. sigh.

On Sunday, I got my off day. Yay!
Because Hitachi Towers doesn't operate on the weekends...
Ya, so... I went and did some shopping.
Bought alot of art and craft stuff... From Art Friend... Spotlight...
Cause I'm intending to make a piece of art for my mom for Mother's Day.
It's mainly consists of thin RED poles and other deco.
You'll see it once it's done... It's basically Red and Gold!!

My new favourite colour of the season. RED!
The other day I bought a RED trucker cap and a pair of RED flip flops!
I already have a pair of sneakers in RED!
And now, I'm just lacking of some RED accessories...
I'm intending to get this one bag from Topshop. RED with ZEBRA prints lining inside. HAHAHA.
Since the chic bag shop in Far East doesn't carry that bag I want in RED. So... Will get the Topshop one. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I made earrings as well. HOHO.
My first attempt to it.
One pair is for SHARENE. Cause it's her birthday.


The other pair's for my sister.
Have a look.

This one is for the birthday girl.

Hmm... Disregard the red thing on the top. It's not part of it... It's just a button I used to hold onto the earrings. Haha. Both of them are clutted up. So, might not be able to see the design of it properly... Whatever, you get the rough idea...

This is the pair I made for my sister. GOLD IS HOT MAN! Of course, RED is too... HAHAHA. The image is a blur though. Sucky... Ha. But you get the rough idea of the design. Haha.

I might set up my own online store some time... Will be selling stuff I made myself.
I love making stuff like that... And I love having stuff that other people don't own.
So, I would love to cater to those people. :)
By the way, ALL the stuff I make will be only have ONE PIECE.
So, it'll be really special. Unless it's of the same collection... Then the pieces might look SIMILIAR. NOT THE SAME... BUT SIMILAR. Will still be different.

So, look out for that!


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