Monday, July 10, 2006

YET AGAIN, shopping sprees!

Lately, it's been alot of shopping for me...
I came back from Paris and London, though I have aloready got quite a bit of stuff from there,
being the shopperholic that I already am, there's always things for me to buy!

So far, I bought another bag.... then I also got this thin red belt with gold studs.
Then the other night, few nights ago actually...
I went to YSL and got something.

And today, I was susposed to accompany my cousin to YSL and he wants to get some leather cuff as well... So apparently, what's they're selling is not what he wants.
So, he didnt get anything from there...
Since it was the Great Singapore Sale, we shopped about and going to places, Prada... Versace... Tods.. then we came to GUCCI.

We were shopping about in Gucci... looking at the shoes and clothes and stuff... Then I came across the scarves, and how lately Nicole Richie have been wearing all these scarves, I wanted to adopt her style and so I chose this one piece which was really cheap.

After Gucci, we were off to The Heeren Shops... There wasn't much interesting stuff...
My cousin went off to California gym then I was at Spinelli's killing time, while waiting for Mark.

I read through the ENTIRE newspapers today! It's soooo amazing! And I'm so proud of myself! Hahaha. But I have to say, it's truly informative...


I went to Taka to meet Nnats to pass to her the belt she got from me, I shopped about Taka for awhile... THEN, at FENDI!!! I saw them selling this one scarf... Bigger than my Gucci one, but in yellow and baby blue, all Fendi logo. Retailing at about $155?? Now it's 50% off! OMG.

Then, I was like, NO NO... "YOU CANNOT BUY ANYMORE!!!"

I met up with Mark outside Chanel where I saw some lovely accessories, not too pricey... Can consider in the future.
So, we went about shopping for gifts... Here, there and everywhere....

I then bought this one bag and a pair of earrings for NANAS! WOOHOO!

Anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

At Far East, I also got ANOTHER SCARF! Yes.... I did...
It's a beautiful piece. LOVE IT.
They're all 100% silk by the way... So, they feel really good!!

Went to Centrepoint's Pizza Hut for a dinner celebration with Nanas.
Shopped about more at Centrepoint and Plaza Singapura...
Before making my way home.



On the subject of bags... I am selling this bag I bought FROM PARIS!
I would say it's a medium sized one...

It is in a really beautiful shade of light brown with print of ADIDAS and piping in front and back in a darker brown. It's also imprinted ADIDAS with the LOGO on the top centre of the bag.
Fret not, cause the zip is working in perfect condition!
I know many people when they're shopping vintage stuff, they're worried that the zips or other stuff wouldn't work properly, or wouldn't work at all...
The zip on this one's fine... And the sling is also adjustable!
On the side of the bag, it also features an intersting part. Take a look...

Pretty unusual huh??!
I wanted to post a picture of the inside as well, but all pictures excpet that one, cannot be posted!!! I have no idea why!!
SO anyway, the inside is just plain and normal... No compartments inside though... Plain black lining, and also a little old. What to do... It is vintage...
I will try to post the picture of the inside later on in the day.

So, I'll be setting this price at SDG$50.
Price is negotiable... BUT you gotta understand that these kinda bags and size, they're selling for at least $85 out there. And I personally lugged it back all the way from PARIS!!!
Hence, it makes a really good deal.

First person who can confirm the buy and able to pay first will get it!
It's only fair...

SO SO, feel free to send me any enquires to my email address
Another alternative is to call me or text me at my handphone: 96445826!


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