Monday, June 26, 2006


I'm back, greetings from the UK and Paris!

I had a blast for the past 2 weeks.
It's been an AMAZING experience.
I landed at saturday afternoon. Was susposed to land on friday, but I missed my flight in London. Long story... LOADS stories actually.
Well of course I can't be typing them ALL out here!

I will thus post pictures from my trip and then I will comment on it, or if there's a story to it, I will also get it out here.

BUT in the meantime. I have alot to catch up on school work!
So prolly I will do the pictures uploading by parts.
OR AT LEAST when I get my pictures from Darren. Had to transfer a HUGE amount of them into his laptop.
Of course, I shopped alot in the trip too. HAHAHAHA!
Will come to that.

Till then....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're hot stuff

3:10 AM  

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