Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It Ends Tonight.

I can still recall the first time we met.
It was a last minute dinner meeting with Thomas, the day before we left for Bangkok.
I was pretty reluctant to go after work actually, but I am glad I did.
Surprised to see you and Kian... So, dinner then Thomas left and we went to the Bar at Raffles Hotel and then to Balaclava at Suntec.
If I'm not wrong, it was your first few nights out in Singapore... That's why the Singapore Sling!

The next I can remember that we've met is at Merrakesh, again after work and I was reluctant to go. And yet again, I was glad I went. Because that was when it started...

I've noticed you looking from over the table quite a few times...
And I did the same as well.
You then gave your business card to me for our next date to Home Club. Never happened though. But it's okay... Cause we've had others.

I missed one of our dates and had you waiting aimlessly because of something stupid I did, but you were really nice to me that night still.
Your simple, "you ok?"
Made it all okay.

Date over beers? Sure, anytime with you!
Seated for about 3 hours at this bar right outside MoS, endless chatterings, and a slow walk to your then apartment.
Great taste in music! You still owe me my mixtape though...
I hope you will still make one for me, I know you were planning already.

Followed by dinner dates.
Was it 3 times at that Thai-Malay place at City Hall?
I know you really enjoy the stuffed chickens!

You've went overseas many times, but that didn't stop us from contacting each other.
Shanghai, Jakarta, Tokyo, Scotland...
Emails, text messages, phone calls and MMS-es.
I still have some of them.

That night. I can remember vividly.
Ajisen at Bugis and followed by another walk to Lavender. I'm glad you invited me in.
And I'm pretty sure you are too.
I enjoy these walks with you. I love walking... Especially when you're walking with someone you enjoy being with.

Love your new apartment! Arty, well-decorated, cosy.
Love your idiocyncrasies! Weird sleeping habits- no noisy aircons, clumsiness, eating venues.
Love your taste in clothes, music, and stuff! Dior, Penguin, Indie, funky clocks.
Love you in your glasses!

Love for you to be around be it's a shame it couldn't work out.
Like I said, I know it's gonna be hard... But I really hope we can still be friends.

I don't know if you know this, or even reading this in the first place!
But you're the first person I liked so much, and all I wanted is for you to be well and happy.
Your cough now is really hindering your sleep.
Get well soon!

Thank you for everything that we've shared and had.
I really hope you like the shark and keep it or even bring it to Scotland in future!

It sure is sad it had to end.



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