Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"Do you want to beat up Paul Twohill??"

This post is just gonna be mainly pictures eh, unlike the previous one.

Sooo last weds, was helping out at NAFA's Diploma Graduation Show.HAPPY GRADUATION, ELAINE! WEEEE. MARMALADE PANTRY! Wahahaha.Then we went Clinic and MoS that night. And I didn't carry my camera with me, which I kinda regretted. But got a shot from Whosgoing.
Erm, ya... And Shanna, don't yell at me for putting this up. HAHAHAHA. :/

And then Home Club pictures, thursday and friday night.Happyyy graduation to you too, Yvonne! Woo.
Yeah, so these are the pictures I can put up cause they're mainly candid shots of Mich, Nat, Shaun, Fird, Danist dancing... So very unglam ones. Haha. I know they'll yell at me if I put them up, so I'm actually helping myself. HAHAHA!

And also, my title of this post, "Do you want to beat up Paul Twohill??", was a funny incident. Friday night, outside Home club, well, Paul was there that night... We were just chilling, and suddenly these two indian guys came up to us, looking pretty pissed off, and asking us...

"Do you like Paul Twohill?"

"No." we answered. "OK GOOD! Do you want to beat Paul Twohill up??"


HAHAHAHA. It was fucking funnyy. Would be fun to watch them beat him up though.

Anywayyy... Went out again on saturday night. HEHE! And this one picture already pretty much sums up all the people who went. And tons of other silly shots. Which I am lazy to put up cause I gotta go out soon... Heh.

Finally, pictures from last night at Rocky Master. Really random and dumb ones.
And well, I was looking through the shots we took and honestly, I think they're that dumb, it's not even worth putting up. HAHAHA. Silly moments.

Amot shot this. And I didn't know where to put... So I put it here lor. HAHAHAHA. I think my face looks fatter. DIE.

OH OH! One more thing. HAHAHAHA. It's fucking hilarious. Well.... People have been telling me I resemble someone. It has started a longggggg time back, but it's still going on and EVEN STRANGERS ARE COMING UP TO ME AND TELLING ME THAT! HAHAHA.It's L from Death Note! Hahahaha. Like, SERIOUSLY????


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