Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Smoke gets in your eyes!

There's this oldie song that goes, "smoke gets in your eyeeeeeeessss........."

Yeah, that was what happened to me just now.
It was so fucking retarded!

I went to this house party the other time and they made popcorn, they said it can only be bought in the States, cause someone's sister got it from there. But I found it at Jason's.

So, I was hungry- okay, not really hungry... Just felt like munching!
I saw my popcorn box and thought, "hey, would be fun!"

So I popped it into the microwave after reading the instructions on it.
So it said to put 4 minutes and then hear it pop in the microwave! I did that, while I was sipping on my Iced Milo.

4 minutes is up and the popping is done! Happily, I ejected the thing and then to my horror, FUMESSSSSS WENT GUSHING OUT!!!!

Fucking hell!
I took out the bag, tore it open and the fucking smoke choked me and irritated my eyes!
What an ass.

So apparently, it was burning inside!(?)

The entire kitchen went foggy and smokey and shit. It smelt really crappy. YUCK.
Actually, the burnt smell is still lingering about the house!
And it's giving me a headache.
I've only got my dumbness to blame! -_-

Oh whatever... I still wanted my popcorn! so I popped in another packet and this time round, I was totally like focused on it this time round! Hahaha.
It's originally buttered up, but I added some salt to it. Hehh.

So, the smell is still really bad and I smell it everywhere I go. BLEH.
But, the popcorn rocks!

End of my lame incident.


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