Friday, March 16, 2007


Model: Nargis (New Paper's New Face winner 2007, Miss Singapore Tourism Queen of The Year)

These are shots from my photoshoot for my final assessment. The dress is sewn by me! The bag is also made by me! And so is the necklace! And I did her make-up as well. So basically, I'm following Uncle Karl Lagerfeld's footsteps. Oh, these were shot by me too. Haha.

Yeah, The GREAT Karl Lagerfeld shoots his own ad campaigns too! He takes soo much charge and pride in his stuff. I mean, he makes sure everything goes his way, not in a demanding way... But y'know. I wanna head that direction hopefully. :)

Soooooo anyway, I've just started my 4-fucking-months of vacations! It's sooo awesome. Hahaha. I need and want to get a job! I wanna work in a bar though. Sick of working in retail.
But then again, retail is so much easier to get in? I can go back to Guess and start anytime... But ARGH. I don't know. I really wanna work somewhere new.

My final assessment was awesome. Last minute work, as usual, for Fashion Design project. I didn't even complete everything I was susposed to! Haha. My lects were inmprssed with my photoshoot and bag. Overall, it was brilliant. And this time round, even my HOD was there. Was pretty freaked out at first. But then again... -ahem- it doesn't matter now!

Anyway, I know I haven't been blogging at all. SORRY about it. I guess I'll be having more time now! I would have loved to post pictures! But I haven't been blogging for like soo long and I've stacked up my pictures. I have no idea where to start! Ah well... Till the next time!




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